At Stobhillgate First School, we aim to make learning fun, which includes providing first-hand experiences which are essential, as children learn in a variety of different ways.  We strive to ensure that you and your child will enjoy a happy and fulfilling time with us. We aim to provide a challenging and stimulating environment, in which children can become motivated, independent learners, who value the contribution of themselves and others.

Parents are children’s first teachers and here at Stobhillgate First School we respect and value your important contribution. When early years practitioners and parents actively work together to support the children’s learning, it has a positive impact on outcomes.

Working as an EYFS unit has many benefits. Younger children will learn from their older peers and older children rise to the challenge of taking responsibility for their younger peers, which develops all children’s personal, social and emotional development, in particular their confidence and independence. The mix of ages also supports children’s communication and language skills. Working as a unit enables us to be better placed to meet the diverse range of needs and abilities of the children and to support a seamless transition between the nursery year and the reception year.

Whilst in our unit one of the early years practitioners will be assigned to your child as their key person. The key person approach is the most effective way of enabling children to settle as quickly as possible through developing a strong relationship with a significant adult in the setting. The key person will support each child to become familiar with the EYFS environment and develop their confidence in accessing all learning opportunities. Your child’s key person is also the first point of contact for you as their parent if there is anything you wish to discuss about your child.