
In order to track the learning and development of your child and provide them with appropriate next steps to move them on in their learning, we operate a focus child system. All of the children will be a focus child for one week each half term as a minimum. You can expect the early years practitioners to work more closely with your child during this focus week and there will be an increased amount of recording of learning achievements, including observations, in their personal learning journals.

We use a range of methods to record your child’s learning while they are with us. One of these is Tapestry. This is an online system where early years practitioners and parents can upload observations including photographs and videos of significant moments in children’s learning. This is an excellent way for you to share with us the learning and development of your child at home and for us to see what the children are doing across a broader range of contexts. Your child will also have a book in school to record aspects of individual learning that takes place.

We operate an open-door policy and are always available to talk to you about your child’s learning and development. In addition to this, there will be more formal parents’ meetings in the Autumn and Spring terms. On transition between the nursery year and reception year, and then between the reception year and starting Year 1, you will be provided with a written report.


Children staying all day can choose to have a school lunch or to bring a packed lunch. Reception children are eligible for Universal Free School Meals until they enter KS2. Children accessing 30 hours funded nursery education can order a school lunch at the price of £2.30. Please contact the school office for more information.


We have a snack bar available to the children during the day at specified times. This consists of fresh fruit and vegetables, milk (which can be ordered termly and is free until the term after a child turns five) and fresh drinking water. All children should bring a water bottle of their own to be left at school. Children are encouraged to be as independent as possible and will have the opportunity to pour their own drinks as well as sometimes making their own snack.


We encourage all children within the EYFS unit to wear the school uniform. This enables the youngest children to feel part of the school community.

As many of the activities on offer to children can be messy, and because sometimes children have accidents, we suggest you provide your child with a change of clothing in a named bag which can be left on their school peg. It is useful for children to have extra clothing for Forest School Fridays including waterproof trousers, waterproof coat and wellies, plus extra layers for when it is cold. A sun hat during the warmer months is also advised. Please send your child in on a Friday wearing navy jogging bottoms and their normal school uniform polo-shirt and jumper or cardigan.

Children in the reception year will also need a PE kit. For health and safety reasons, the wearing of jewellery is NOT allowed. Please remember to name ALL items of clothing.

Top ten ways you can help your child at home

  1. Encourage your child to be as independent as possible at home e.g. getting themselves dressed in the morning; doing up their own coat; using the toilet independently.
  2. Share favourite books and sing nursery rhymes together.
  3. Talk about what you are doing when out and about and give children opportunities to be responsible e.g. ticking off items on the shopping list.
  4. Ask your child about their day at school.
  5. Listen to sounds in the environment and play games to encourage children to hear sounds in words e.g. I spy.
  6. Look out for numbers and letters when out and about and encourage children to recognise and write their own name.
  7. Encourage your child to count in everyday situations e.g. setting the table at teatime for the correct number of people in the family.
  8. Encourage your child to be polite and demonstrate manners e.g. please and thank you.
  9. Find time to play board games together to encourage turn-taking as well as other skills such as recognising numbers on a dice.
  10. Share any significant learning you have seen your child doing at home on the school/home shared learning journal (Tapestry).

2021 Stobhillgate EYFS Brochure

Nursery Application Form


Reception Admissions

Northumberland County Council – Reception Entry Applications