This is our published information about our school population and the ways in which we work to eliminate differences of outcome for groups with protected characteristics. It also explains how we promote good equalities practice. The objectives we have set are based on this context and follow the information. The school has data on its composition broken down by year group, ethnicity and gender and by proficiency in English. This is available on request
We are a first school with 143 children on roll.
We teach children about their rights, about respect for one another and the wider communities to which they belong. We celebrate individuality and the unique talents and characteristics of each child. A very small minority of pupils do not speak English as their first language. Lower than the UK average (state primary school national average 20%). The number of BME (Black and minority ethnic) pupils in our community is smaller than the county average (4.7%) and which contrasts with the national average (33% of children in state funded primary schools). There are no patterns of underachievement in our small BME population.
Our disadvantaged pupils in respect of whom we receive the Pupil Premium Grant are reported on as a discrete group in order to demonstrate the effect of the PPG funding on diminishing the differences in outcomes for these students compared with their peers. We use the funding effectively to offer academic support and guidance and to subsidise activities and visits. We recently commissioned a Pupil Premium Review from the Local Authority to assist in better targeting of resources. This review helped us to define some of the barriers faced by disadvantaged children, which included:
- needing additional speech and language support
- special educational needs which require extra support
- low self-esteem and low aspirations of some of our disadvantaged pupils
- paucity of home learning, e.g. do not hear their children read
- poor attendance of some disadvantaged children
- not enough stretch and challenge for our high attaining disadvantaged pupils in lessons
We subsidise access to some of our trips, some experiences and cultural programmes of
learning. Staff training has covered Quality First Teaching and gap analysis. There have been parent workshops, booster classes and a Challenge Club for our able disadvantaged pupils. The majority of pupils in receipt of the grant are making and exceeding expected levels of progress, relative to their starting points. The difference in outcome for this group has diminished and continues to decrease. Objectives relating to children eligible for Free School Meals have a significant priority for schools, in spite of financial disadvantage not being a protected characteristic in law. Some eligible pupils also have additional protected characteristics.
In school, we represent, discuss and welcome family diversity and the positive aspects of individuality in families where there are people who do not conform to stereotypes. We audit resources and displays, letters home and the language we use for intentional and unconscious bias and aim to develop the capacity of the entire workforce to embody the school’s inclusive, rights-respecting ethos We recognise the increased numbers of gender variant pupils in schools. Children use toilet and changing facilities that correspond to the gender with which they identify. Guidance for schools supporting transgender pupils is available from the local authority. The uniform list is gender neutral. Our school uniform policy does not discriminate against any child on the basis of gender, race, disability, gender identity or belief.
The school has data on its composition broken down by types of disability and special educational need. This is available on request.
Our school has clear protocols and targeted provision to support pupils who are on the SEND
register. The SEND local offer is published on the school web site. A small minority of pupils have communication issues. We address this through the support of trained Teaching Assistants and the provision of targeted interventions. The school is an accessible building, with ramps, accessible toilets and wheelchair accessible routes. The school welcomes and offers a high level of support to an increasing number of children with complex needs. Staff with medical expertise support in classrooms, and the school’s caring, inclusive
ethos means that the children are integrated and supported within the mainstream setting.
We use data on inequalities of outcome and involvement when setting objectives for achievable and measurable improvements. These are outlined in the school’s accessibility plan and development plan.
We record and report instances of discriminatory language or bullying, and we tackle these in
accordance with the County Council’s recently revised guidance for dealing with discriminatory incidents and hate crime. We can report racist incidents using the online form which also gives schools the opportunity to request further support to deal with hate crime and extremism. All staff have had face to face WRAP training and recognise the relationship between hate crime and radicalisation or extremism. The school arranges an online session as required for any new staff who join the team. Teachers are aware of the vulnerability of people in our region to messages about far right extremism, and welcome open discussion and debate with the children in order to dispel myths and misconceptions.
We recognise the limited opportunities many of our children have to experience the wider UK and urban contexts that exist outside Northumberland and prioritise a programme of learning including visits and visitors to broaden understanding of the wider multicultural, multi-faith context of Britain.
The school records data about religion and belief if it is provided by parents. This enables us to say with confidence that we are inclusive of pupils’ religion and belief.
The school aims to extend children’s understanding of fostering good relations and challenging discrimination in a practical context through the work we do on promoting friendship, dealing with feelings and feeling safe to share concerns with adults.
All staff have responsibility for promoting equality.
All staff have responsibility for anti-bullying work.
There is good equal opportunities practice in the recruitment and promotion of staff, both teaching and support staff.
Behaviour and safety
There are clear procedures for dealing with prejudice-related bullying and incidents.
The school annually returns a report on the number of racist incidents to the Local Authority.
Surveys and focus groups show that most pupils feel safe from all kinds of bullying. Children can rely upon the support of our Unicef Ambassadors.
There is coverage in the curriculum of equalities issues, particularly with regard to tackling prejudice and promoting community cohesion and mutual understanding. There are activities across the curriculum to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development to help them to embody values and develop character traits. We promote the school values of: empathy, inspiration, collaboration and excellence.
Consultation and involvement
The school has procedures for consulting and involving parents and carers, and for engaging with local groups and organisations, and has regard in these for the concerns and requirements of the Equality Act. The school has procedures for finding out how pupils think and feel about the school, and has regard in these for the concerns of the Equality Act.
We consult parents and carers regularly, and maintain good lines of communication through our social media presence.
Diminishing Difference
We have many pupils who have a combination of protected characteristics and vulnerabilities which can contribute to a difference in attainment and progress between them and other children (boys, girls, disadvantaged, eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant, on the SEND register, disabled, BME, complex needs, summer born children). Through our Aspire Review and Action Planning process, we have used the EEF toolkit and an external Pupil Premium Review to help us define ways to use the Pupil Premium allocation to initiate and continue a range of evidence-based interventions and targeted support which will enable us to see the pupils’ attainment increase to bring them at least in line with their peers nationally.
All staff have had training on Attachment Theory, in particular the link between attachment,
behaviour and learning (Social and emotional learning).
Expected evidence of impact
The school will regularly review and define which packages are our most effective in terms of
cohort, characteristic and identified need. This information will be published on the school web site.
Differences in achievement and engagement between children with protected characteristics
(including disadvantage) and their peers are significantly reduced and the school continues to achieve or exceed the national averages for PPG eligible children. All staff will develop expertise and creativity in responding to the question: what are children required to do with the information they encounter in the classroom?
Fostering Good Relations
The wider context of the UK and beyond
We recognise the context of Morpeth and the relative lack of opportunity our pupils experience to engage with role models from minority communities (LGBT, BME, disabled people, people of different faiths). We recognise the important role that the school can play in opening up the children’s lives to the wider context of the UK beyond rural Northumberland, in preparing them for adult life and an appreciation of the wider diversity of the UK and beyond. Through the curriculum, creative and experiential learning experiences and our work to achieve the Unicef Rights Respecting School Award, this learning will be extended and developed. Expected evidence of impact:
- Increased awareness of equality and justice articulated by staff and pupils
- Greater resilience and an awareness of global issues articulated by children.
- Willingness to challenge discriminatory thoughts and practices.
- Children acting as allies and advocates, respecting and protecting the rights of others
- Prayer spaces as a place to reflect and demonstrate empathy and understanding
- Pupils will understand why Northumberland is developing to become a place of refuge and safety for those fleeing conflict, and understand how they and their communities can contribute positively.